Rabobank Frankfurt
Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A., Zweigniederlassung Frankfurt am Main
Brüsseler Str. 1-3
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Permanent representative
Stephan Hackenberg
Coöperatieve Rabobank U. A. is a subsidiary of Cooperative Rabobank U. A., a credit union under the laws of the Netherlands (Croeselaan 18, 3521 CB Utrecht).
Register no:
Register of cooperatives ("Genossenschaftsregister") at the district court of Frankfurt am Main, No. 771
The Netherlands:
Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel), no. 30046259
Sales tax identification number:
DE 191 190 760
Supervisory Authorities
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Graurheindorfer Straße 10853117 Bonn
Marie-Curie-Straße 24-28
60439 Frankfurt am Main
European Central Bank (ECB)
Sonnemannstraße 20
60314 Frankfurt am Main
De Nederlandsche Bank
Postbus 98
1000 AB Amsterdam
Autoriteit Financiële Markten
Postbus 11723
1001 GS Amsterdam
Contact Rabobank Frankfurt
Rabobank Frankfurt
Brüsseler Str. 1-3
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. +49 (0) 69 79 206-0
Dispute Resolution
Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A. agrees to take part in dispute resolution proceedings at the following consumer dispute resolution bodies:
Bundesbank arbitration board:
Deutsche Bundesbank
– Schlichtungsstelle –
Wilhelm-Epstein-Straße 14
60431 Frankfurt am Main
P.O. Box 10 06 02
60006 Frankfurt am Main
See also the EU Commission's online platform for online dispute resolution between traders and consumers under Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013, available below.